Passive : The injured person level is assessed.
2. Shine a
flashlight or headlamp into the injured person's eyes.
Passive : The injured
person eyes is shone.
Note whether the pupils contract symmetrically
when exposed to the light.
Passive : The pupils are contracted to the light.
4. Note whether
the pupils are equal in size.
Passive : The pupils size are equaled.
5. Assess the
injured person's pulse for rate, rhythm and strength. (See "How to Measure
and Record a Pulse During First Aid.")
Passive : The injured person’s pulse is assessed.
6. Look at the
injured person's fingernail beds or the inner skin of the eyelids and note the color.
Are they pink, red, yellow or blue?
Passive : The injured person’s fingernail or the inner skin of the eyelids are looked.
7. Feel the
injured person's forehead, hands and stomach, and note the temperature and moisture.
Passive : The injured person’s forehead, hands and stomach, and note the
temperature and moisture are felt.
8. Assess the
injured person's respiration for rate, rhythm and strength. (See "How to
Measure and Record Respiratory Rate.")
Passive : The injured person’s respiration is assessed.
9. Press the
injured person's fingernail bed with your thumb and then release.
Passive : The injured person’s fingernail is pressed.
10. Note the amount of time it takes for the blood to
return to the white spot, turning it pink.
Passive : The blood to return turning it pink is noted.